- Weathered
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- WEEK 11 | 2025
WEEK 11 | 2025
The weather nobody is talking about...Your prescription, Wine, A Bet, Trends and an Observation.

In this Edition
Your Weather this Week
Weathering the Trends
The Over/Undercast
The OBS (Observation)
The Weathered Vine
Your Weather this Week
It’s looking like a gorgeous week across most of the United States this week. Expect cooler temperatures and rain in the west later in the week. Soak up the sun and enjoy Daylight Savings.

Your prescription this week.
Studies have shown that the weather can directly effect our mood. This really shouldn’t have come as a surprise, we all know the joy of a sunny day, sitting on a patio outside!
The prescription is: Despite losing an hour of sleep, the “extra” daylight now will create some great opportunities to get outside after work and be active. Take a walk and let the sun hit your skin.
For those in West as the rain sets in later this week, focus on the rhythm of the rain and it’s nourishing properties. It will be sunny again soon, creating opportunity for growth of life around us.

Weathering the Trends
Cryptocurrency is back in the spotlight with the announcement of the United States Cryptocurrency stockpile. If you are unsure what cryptocurrency or the blockchain is, here is a quick primer.
Are there cryptocurrencies that involve the weather? You bet! Check out WeatherXM, who’s aim is to bring weather data “on-chain”. Applications range from storing forecast data on the blockchain to enabling “smart contracts” to interact with the world around them…the weather.

Our Take: It’s an interesting project and one that we will continue to watch. The $WXM token is used for rewards on the platform. It has been under pressure, experiencing a negative trend since it’s inception in 2024.
Would you put up a WeatherXM weather station to receive rewards?

The Over/Undercast
Place your bets on the Weather? Kalshi is a site that facilitates making wagers on the weather. Do you have what it takes to forecast temperature, number of tornados this month, or rain this month in NYC?
There are several interesting plays to be made. We like the tornados this month. The average number of tornados for March since 1999 is 95

There are two tempting offers at the time of this writing. Above 100 and Above 125 - NO. Depending on your risk appetite with the payout could triple your money.

**Disclaimer: this is not financial advise or a recommendation to bet on any product. This is for information and educational purposes.

The Judge, Jury, Sculptor…A Story
An observation on Time and it’s place in our Weathering.
Time is a lousy sculptor. It carves wrinkles into faces, potholes into roads, and ruins out of civilizations. And yet, we worship it. We set our clocks to it, mark our calendars by it, and sell our souls for just a little more of it.

The Weathered Vine
Pinot Noir and Resiling are some of the most sensitive grapes to weather. Their vintages can swing widely in taste through one wet season to a dry season and vice versa.
One example of a year that provided late season rains and produced a rather difficult vintage was 2011 in Napa. The prolonged wet period increased disease pressure and delayed harvests. The Flavor Profile is often less intense and complex due to diluted sugar content of the grape and lower its concentration of flavors. This can result in wines with less intensity and complexity.
To taste a Pinot Noir from this vintage with these conditions check this 2011 Napa Valley Cellars here! It’s priced reasonably too!
Have a great week ahead! If you have suggestions or articles you would like to see in this newsletter, send an email to [email protected]